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Running a Social Media Campaign: Customers, Influencer Engagement, Analytics


Discover effective social media campaign managementA social media strategy doesn’t end at the planning stage. Once a campaign is live, it will continue to require careful attention and management.

On this social media management course, you will learn how to interact with your audience, from engaging influencers to online reputation management during times of crisis.

You’ll also discover how to use social media marketing analytics to derive insights to better understand your audience and improve your social strategy.

Leverage social engagement as part of omnichannel marketing

The first week of this course considers the two-way nature of social engagement. A central element of social media campaign management is, therefore, interacting with customers.

Of course, things don’t always go to plan and brands sometimes need to engage in online reputation management. You’ll learn how to deal with PR disasters on social media, how to recover, and how to make contingency plans.

Learn how to find social media influencers to boost your visibility

High-profile influencers can significantly increase brand visibility on social media.

The second week of this course explores how to use influencer marketing as part of social media campaigns. You’ll learn how to find social media influencers that align with your audience, how to engage them with your campaign, and how to measure the effectiveness of that marketing activity.

Understand your audience with social marketing metrics

Understanding social marketing metrics can be the key to campaign management, as well as determining your future social media strategy.

You’ll learn how to use social media marketing metrics to gain valuable insights about your audience, including which parts of your social media strategy are driving conversions.Read more.

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Career Relevance by Data Role

The techniques and tools covered in Running a Social Media Campaign: Customers, Influencer Engagement, Analytics are most similar to the requirements found in Data Analyst job advertisements.

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