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This course will help lay the foundation of your healthcare data journey and provide you with knowledge and skills necessary to work in the healthcare industry as a data scientist. Healthcare is unique because it is associated with continually evolving and complex processes associated with health management and medical care. We'll learn about the many facets to consider in healthcare and determine the value and growing need for data analysts in healthcare. We'll learn about the Triple Aim and other data-enabled healthcare drivers. We'll cover different concepts and categories of healthcare data and describe how ontologies and related terms such as taxonomy and terminology organize concepts and facilitate computation. We'll discuss the common clinical representations of data in healthcare systems, including ICD-10, SNOMED, LOINC, drug vocabularies (e.g., RxNorm), and clinical data standards. We’ll discuss the various types of healthcare data and assess the complexity that occurs as you work with pulling in all the different types of data to aid in decisions. We will analyze various types and sources of healthcare data, including clinical, operational claims, and patient generated data as well as differentiate unstructured, semi-structured and structured data within health data contexts. We'll examine the inner workings of data and conceptual harmony offer some solutions to the data integration problem by defining some important concepts, methods, and applications that are important to this domain.Read more.

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Career Relevance by Data Role

The techniques and tools covered in Healthcare Data Literacy are most similar to the requirements found in Business Analyst job advertisements.

Similarity Scores (Out of 100)

Learning Sequence

Healthcare Data Literacy is a part of one structured learning path.

University of California, Davis