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Foundations of mining non-structured medical data


The goal of this course is to understand the foundations of Big Data and the data that is being generated in the health domain and how the use of technology would help to integrate and exploit all those data to extract meaningful information that can be later used in different sectors of the health domain from physicians to management, from patients to care givers, etc. The course will offer to the student a high-level perspective of the importance of the medical context within the European context, the types of data that are managed in the health (clinical) context, the challenges to be addressed in the mining of unstructured medical data (text and image) as well as the opportunities from the analytical point of view with an introduction to the basics of data analytics field.Read more.

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Career Relevance by Data Role

The techniques and tools covered in Foundations of mining non-structured medical data are most similar to the requirements found in Data Analyst job advertisements.

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