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Data Visualisation: Prediction and Ethics in Data Analytics


Do you want to bring your predictive models to life and communicate with a diverse audience?

Data visualisation is a great tool for predictive analysis and bringing statistical models to life within your organisation.

You’ll learn how to use your data to make business predictions and get to grips with the ethical issues that can arise in the process.

On this third course of the Data Visualisation ExpertTrack, you’ll explore statistical techniques and the importance of testing and refining the models that you use for data analysis.

These skills will open career opportunities for data professionals and across a range of industries as demand for strong data analytics and visualisation skills grows.

Identify the techniques that underpin predictive data analytics

Understanding the core mechanics of your predictive models is essential for testing and fine-tuning them. You’ll review the ideas and theories that underpin your predictive analytics and learn to evaluate the effectiveness of each model.

Building a strong grasp of these theories means that you can interrogate your data more closely and find models that best suit your business, your customers, and the current markets.

Review ethical issues related to data analytics and modelling

Using and manipulating personal information comes with both ethical and legal considerations. You’ll learn to identify those ethical issues, and how to articulate them to your business to ensure that you work within the law and your corporate social responsibility.

Upon completion of this course, the final in the ExpertTrack, you will not only feel confident in creating effective data visualisations but also in responding to challenges and ensuring your organisation is complying with ethical and legal responsibilities around data handling.Read more.

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Career Relevance by Data Role

The techniques and tools covered in Data Visualisation: Prediction and Ethics in Data Analytics are most similar to the requirements found in Data Analyst job advertisements.

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