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AI Applications in People Management


In this course, you will learn about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning as it applies to HR Management. You will explore concepts related to the role of data in machine learning, AI application, limitations of using data in HR decisions, and how bias can be mitigated using blockchain technology. Machine learning powers are becoming faster and more streamlined, and you will gain firsthand knowledge of how to use current and emerging technology to manage the entire employee lifecycle.

Through study and analysis, you will learn how to sift through tremendous volumes of data to identify patterns and make predictions that will be in the best interest of your business. By the end of this course, you'll be able to identify how you can incorporate AI to streamline all HR functions and how to work with data to take advantage of the power of machine learning.Read more.

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Career Relevance by Data Role

The techniques and tools covered in AI Applications in People Management are most similar to the requirements found in Data Scientist job advertisements.

Similarity Scores (Out of 100)

Learning Sequence

AI Applications in People Management is a part of one structured learning path.

University of Pennsylvania

4 Courses 4 Months

AI For Business