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Healthcare Data Security, Privacy, and Compliance


In the final course of the Healthcare IT Support program, we will focus on the types of healthcare data that you need to be aware, complexities of security and privacy within healthcare, and issues related to compliance and reporting. As a health IT support specialist, you’ll be exposed to different types of data sources and data elements that are utilized in healthcare. It’s important for you to understand the basic language of healthcare data and for you to recognize the sensitive nature of protected health information (PHI). Maintaining data privacy and security is everyone’s responsibility, including IT support staff! We’ll go into detail about HIPAA and the risks associated with security breaches, ransomware and phishing. We’ll go into detail about some of the key laws and regulations specific to healthcare and the importance of compliance with them.

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Healthcare Data Security, Privacy, and Compliance 中涵盖的技术和工具与 数据架构师 招聘广告中的要求最为相似。

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