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Learn webscraping with Beautiful Soup


Many of your coding projects may require you to pull a bunch of information from an HTML or XML page. This task can be really tedious and boring, that is until you learn how to scrape the web with an HTML Parser! That’s where Beautiful Soup comes in. This Python package allows you to parse HTML and XML pages with ease and pull all sorts of data off the web.

Say you want to pull all of the tweets from your favorite movie star and run some analysis on their word usage — scrape em! Maybe you want to make a digital collage all the images you’ve posted of your dog to Instagram — parse em! And if you want to pull a list of all of your friend’s favorite books from Goodreads — Beautiful Soup em!阅读更多.

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Learn webscraping with Beautiful Soup 中涵盖的技术和工具与 商业分析师 招聘广告中的要求最为相似。

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