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Financial Analysis for Business Performance: Data-Driven Decision Making


Do you want to create more of a data-driven culture within your organisation? Using facts, analysis, and metrics to drive strategic decisions within an organisation is associated with higher profits, stronger performance, and business longevity. But often this involves better communication, cultural change, and much stronger data analysis skills throughout the company.

Help your organisation to become more data driven by improving your analysis skills, learning new reporting techniques, and sharing key data to support business decision making. Grow your knowledge and confidence to turn financial insights into positive action.

Improve the financial performance of your organisation

You’ll learn the various approaches that can be used to improve the financial performance of your organisation. The tools and techniques you will employ in this course can be used to justify recommendations for improving financial performance based on the business’ specific requirements and situation.

Put data-driven decision making at the heart of your business
So, you have the data and the analysis needed to drive better business performance - now the hard part is sharing it and turning it into strong strategic decisions. You’ll learn how to articulate key data and processes required to support business decision making to make your organisation stronger as a whole.阅读更多.

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Financial Analysis for Business Performance: Data-Driven Decision Making 中涵盖的技术和工具与 商业分析师 招聘广告中的要求最为相似。

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