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Chemometrics in Air Pollution


This course briefly introduces the causes and effects of air pollution.

Air pollution is a growing concern the we experience in our daily life. But not everyone has a clear understanding of what the sources of air pollution are. Here, you will not only learn how to identify them, but also understand the potential impact air pollution has in our present and future.

What are Chemometric models?

You will be able to learn the Chemometrics models, a new discipline in analytical science and how do Chemometrics models apply in mitigating the air pollution issue.

You will also learn how the initial analysis or preprocessing of the data is a significantly important step in the use of Chemometric models.

Chemometric applications in air pollution

In this course you’ll be able to see real examples that demonstrate and apply the Chemometric model. Making it a proficient and ideal tool mitigating air pollution.

To register in this course, you are required to have basic knowledge in Chemistry, Physics and Statistics.阅读更多.

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