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Unsupervised Machine Learning: Unlocking the Potential of Data


Training artificial intelligence (AI) models has traditionally required large sets of annotated data. As a result, small, uncurated data — which carries untapped value — is often left untouched. By leveraging cutting-edge developments in machine learning (ML), you can unlock the latent potential of data from unused sources to create competitive opportunities for your business.

The Unsupervised Machine Learning: Unlocking the Potential of Data online short course from the MIT Sloan School of Management and the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing explores the technical and strategic considerations of unsupervised learning approaches. In just six weeks, you’ll study these approaches, their capabilities, use cases, limitations, and applications. You’ll learn to see the potential of your data — no matter its quantity or quality — and deploy AI solutions tailored to your unique data, problem, and business.阅读更多.


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