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Statistics 1 Part 1: Introductory statistics, probability and estimation


Statistics 1 Part 1 is a self-paced course from LSE which aims to introduce you to and develop your understanding of essential statistical concepts, methods and techniques, emphasising the applications of these methods. This course can be taken alone or as part of the LSE MicroBachelors in Statistics Fundamentals or the LSE MicroBachelors in Mathematics and Statistics Fundamentals.

Statistics 1 Part 1 forms part of a series of courses which focuses on the application of statistical methods in management, economics and the social sciences. During this course, you will focus on the interpretation of tables and results, and how to approach statistical problems effectively.阅读更多.

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Statistics 1 Part 1: Introductory statistics, probability and estimation 中涵盖的技术和工具与 数据科学家 招聘广告中的要求最为相似。

相似度得分(满分 100)


Statistics 1 Part 1: Introductory statistics, probability and estimation is a part of 一 structured learning path.

London School of Economics and Political Science

4 Courses 5 Months

Statistics Fundamentals