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Python Basics: Interacting with the Internet


Students will begin in Python by bridging between the basics of a programming language and interacting with the Internet in fun new ways. In technical terms, the parts of Python you'll learn are arithmetic, variables, values, and modules. At a higher level, we'll learn what an API is by playing with cat memes. But separate from the technical part of coding, there's the psychological part. Topic lectures will address the human side of code, and make you feel more prepared to see yourself as someone who codes. The demos are the most fun and accessible part of this course. You will find pointers to several more in the honors module of this course.阅读更多.

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Python Basics: Interacting with the Internet 中涵盖的技术和工具与 数据工程师 招聘广告中的要求最为相似。

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