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Increasing Real Estate Management Profits: Harnessing Data Analytics


In this final course you will complete a Capstone Project using data analysis to recommend a method for improving profits for your company, Watershed Property Management, Inc. Watershed is responsible for managing thousands of residential rental properties throughout the United States. Your job is to persuade Watershed’s management team to pursue a new strategy for managing its properties that will increase their profits. To do this, you will: (1) Elicit information about important variables relevant to your analysis; (2) Draw upon your new MySQL database skills to extract relevant data from a real estate database; (3) Implement data analysis in Excel to identify the best opportunities for Watershed to increase revenue and maximize profits, while managing any new risks; (4) Create a Tableau dashboard to show Watershed executives the results of a sensitivity analysis; and (5) Articulate a significant and innovative business process change for Watershed based on your data analysis, that you will recommend to company executives.阅读更多.

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Increasing Real Estate Management Profits: Harnessing Data Analytics 中涵盖的技术和工具与 商业分析师 招聘广告中的要求最为相似。

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Increasing Real Estate Management Profits: Harnessing Data Analytics is a part of 一 structured learning path.