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This third and final course of the AI Product Management Specialization by Duke University's Pratt School of Engineering focuses on the critical human factors in developing AI-based products. The course begins with an introduction to human-centered design and the unique elements of user experience design for AI products.

Participants will then learn about the role of data privacy in AI systems, the challenges of designing ethical AI, and approaches to identify sources of bias and mitigate fairness issues. The course concludes with a comparison of human intelligence and artificial intelligence, and a discussion of the ways that AI can be used to both automate as well as assist human decision-making.阅读更多.

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Human Factors in AI 中涵盖的技术和工具与 数据架构师 招聘广告中的要求最为相似。

相似度得分(满分 100)


Human Factors in AI is a part of 一 structured learning path.

Duke University

3 Courses 4 Months

AI Product Management