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Big Data Analytical Platform on Alibaba Cloud


***FREE Certification Promotion for 2021***

Alibaba Cloud is now offering a free certification on the newest generation of our Elastic Compute Service. Gain a thorough understanding of what set the 6th Generation ECS instance apart, and why you should be considering it for all your Cloud computing workloads.


Course Description

Building an Analytical Platform on Alibaba Cloud can empower how you take in, analyze, and demonstrate clear metrics from a set of Big Data. This course is designed to teach engineers how to use Alibaba Cloud Big Data products. It covers basic distributed system theory and Alibaba Cloud's core products like MaxCompute, DataWorks, E-MapReduce as well as a bundle of ecosystem tools.

To earn an official Alibaba Cloud certificate please join the Cloud Native courses on the Academy's website:
Big Data Analysis Specialty: https: //edu.alibabacloud.com/course/317
Machine Learning Specialty: https://edu.alibabacloud.com/course/318
Alibaba Cloud Big Data - Data Integration: https://edu.alibabacloud.com/certification/clouder_bigdatainteg

Learn the Big Data Theory

Take data in different formats to Put in Alibaba Cloud Big Data Products

Analyze Sets of Data to produce meaningful conclusions

Draw Graphs and Tables to demonstrate the analysis of Big Data Results阅读更多.

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