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Exploratory Data Analysis for the Public Sector with ggplot


Learn about the core pillars of the public sector and the core functions of public administration through statistical Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA). Learn analytical and technical skills using the R programming language to explore, visualize, and present data, with a focus on equity and the administrative functions of planning and reporting. Technical skills in this course will focus on the ggplot2 library of the tidyverse, and include developing bar, line, and scatter charts, generating trend lines, and understanding histograms, kernel density estimations, violin plots, and ridgeplots. These skills are enhanced with lessons on best practices for good information visualization design. Upon completing this course, you will understand the layered grammar of graphics and its implementation in ggplot2, all while exploring a diverse set of authentic public datasets.阅读更多.

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Exploratory Data Analysis for the Public Sector with ggplot 中涵盖的技术和工具与 商业分析师 招聘广告中的要求最为相似。

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Exploratory Data Analysis for the Public Sector with ggplot is a part of 一 structured learning path.

University of Michigan