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Introduction to Social Media Analytics


Social media not only provides marketers with a means of communicating with their customers, but also a way to better understand their customers. Viewing consumers’ social media activity as the “voice of the consumer,” this session exposes learners to the analytic methods that can be used to convert social media data to marketing insights. In Introduction to Social Media Analytics, learners will be exposed to both the benefits and limitations of relying on social media data compared to traditional methods of marketing research. Partnering with a leading social media listening platform, this course provides learners with the foundational skills of social media listening including the creation of monitors and common social media metrics. Moving beyond social media listening, this course shows learners how social media data can be used to provide insights into market structure and consumers’ perceptions of the brand. Learners will have the opportunity to assess data and discern how to "listen" to the data by watching video lectures and completing activities, practice quizzes, discussion boards, and peer assessments.Lee mas.

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Las técnicas y herramientas cubiertas en Introduction to Social Media Analytics son muy similares a los requisitos que se encuentran en los anuncios de trabajo de Arquitecto de datos.

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