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Risk Management and Innovation develops your ability to conduct empathy-driven and data-driven analysis in the domain of risk management. This course introduces empathy as a professional competency. It explains the psychological processes that inhibit empathy-building and the processes that determine how organizational stakeholders respond to risk. The course guides you through techniques to gather risk information by understanding a stakeholder’s thoughts, feelings, and goals. These techniques include interviewing, brainstorming, and empathy mapping. The course concludes by using this risk information to enrich data analysis. You will learn basic data visualization concepts in Tableau and use these concepts to explore and explain data. Throughout these analyses, the course challenges you to identify risks by focusing on unmet stakeholder needs.Lee mas.

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Las técnicas y herramientas cubiertas en Empathy, Data, and Risk son muy similares a los requisitos que se encuentran en los anuncios de trabajo de Analista de negocios.

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